Thursday, March 19, 2009

One Post Every 7 Months or so...

So one post every 7 months isn't too bad is it??? It's been a little hectic around here, but then again when is it really not?!

We are enjoying the 5 or 6 weeks of Brian being home with us before he leaves goes to Ft Riley, KS to train up for Iraq. He is going to be in command of a 12 man team. Basically their mission as I understand it is they will be given a list of bad guys and they are told to go out, find them, and bring them back alive or otherwise....Please pray for Brian's safety and the men that will be deployed with him. The girls are dreading him leaving and I am too. He will do great as he always does. We are so proud of him.

I guess I should fill you in on the girls...
Lauren is still playing basketball and loving it! She is playing on 2 teams and it definitely keeps us hopping!

Brooke has just recently taken up soccer~she looks so stinkin' cute in her pink soccer shorts, pink cleats, pink shin guards, long pink socks...and she is LOVING it! She gets right in there and is doing great! Her coach is amazing, so patient and loving with all of the kiddos. She is a friend of mine from high school and we have been so happy with how everything is going!

Kara is totally 2! She is finally talking and is no longer using the phrase "yes-no" when we ask her a question and she means yes. We would ask if she wanted something and she would always respond with no, but then would get upset if we didn't give it to her. I started asking her if she meant "yes", and so she started replying back with "yes-no" if she did want it...It was cute, but we are so happy that her vocabulary has expanded and she is now just answering yes or no!

On a very sad note, my Dad passed away on January 17th. I miss him so much, but I am so grateful that he isn't hurting anymore. He hat battled cancer for quite some time. He fought it like a champ, hiding that he was in pain, and trying to reassure us that he was "just fine". I look forward to seeing him again one day. I love you Daddy.

I will try not to take another 7 months before I blog again. I hope this finds everyone doing great. Tomorrow is the first day of Spring and I am so happy for that!

1 comment:

Leigh said...

Life is just crazy Cindi. You have to take care of you and your family. I hope that time is easing your pain. Much love and hugs!
Prayers for Brian and his team too!