Thursday, June 5, 2008

First Posting...

I just read a blog from one of my good military friends, Sara Graham. Her family has been stationed at Fort Riley. They are in the process of pcs'ing (moving for you civilians ;) ) to the Citadel. She has been using her blog to keep their family and friends updated. What a great idea! With Brian stationed at Fort Leavenworth for the year, and the girls and I holding down the fort here in Edmond it seems like time flies and I don't stay in touch with everyone like I usually try to. I also thought it would be a fun way for me to jot down the funny things the girls do that I forget to tell Brian and their grandparents about. We'll see how it goes!


Unknown said...

What a wonderful ideal, Cindi!

Bernadette said...

Hey Cindi,
YOu are quite the computer person. I could have Marissa do one for us as I haven't figured things out just yet. She makes it easy for me to remain in the dark ages:) I hope your trip to Austin was helpful. Let us know about July. We are wanting to visit you guys and hopefully see Kesh again, too. Marissa wants to play some poker again....